When we first moved to Kansas City about 4 years ago, I struggled with the idea that we were on temporary assignment. In a place that wasn't my first choice on the list of my dream places to settle down, I was hesitant to commit to engaging in Kansas City. Some of this feeling came from just leaving a place that I loved with lots of friends and not being ready to do that again. After some time had past though, I just found myself being complacent. Not engaging just because it was habit.
But then I read Jeremiah 29.
The context behind this passage is the Israelites are in captivity in Babylon. They long to return to the promised land, and there are false prophets telling the people what they want to hear, that they will soon return, so don't get too comfortable in Babylon. (My paraphrase). But Jeremiah tells the Israelites that instead of being renters in a distant land, waiting for the day of return, they should instead have an interest in BEING right where they are. Build a house, get married, bless the city! This is what God says, even though the Isrealites are not in a place of their choosing.
This spoke directly to me. I'm not to be just passively here in this place waiting to go "home". I'm supposed to be here, being in real relationship, investing in others, really being involved in blessing the city where I am. This means taking risks. It involves actually showing up. It will lead to some dead ends. It will mean being genuinely vulnerable, which I think is one of the hardest things for many of us. But it will also lead to paths that are greater than you could ever imagine.
We so often focus on the passage speaking about the fact that God knows our future and get caught up in that future day, but the focus of this passage is not only on hope for the future, but also on
really living right where you are. And of course, this is the Christian life. We are to be in the world, but not of the world. Here to be a blessing right now in this imperfect place that is not the promised land.