Thursday, May 15, 2014

Decision Making

Jerry Sittser | Decision Making | Men's Breakfast from Life Center on Vimeo.

This is a great talk by a college professor of mine. He is a great Christian mind and has written some excellent books.

Monday, May 12, 2014


Time goes by so quickly sometimes. It has been almost a year since we moved to Portland. It is truly an amazing city! I've taken a lot of pictures while just riding around of things that I love about this place.


There are many cool things to observe about the transportation system here, but knowing a bit about other places, it is cool to be in a place that is unique in the US. Biking is a serious mode of transportation here!


The natural beauty here is amazing. The pictures are a poor representation of it. Mountains! Waterfalls! Even the weeds here are beautiful (and delicious, like the blackberries).


We got some chickens! One lays green eggs.

I don't have pictures of the coffee or the food, but that is also great. It is so easy to be gluten free here (or any type of food restriction really)

We also were able to plug into a church family pretty easily thanks to my brother.

Despite all these things, it's taken me a year to finally feel somewhat settled here. I'm not sure why that is, but it is easy to forget how automated things are once you are established in a place for some time. (Habits anyone?)