Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Back to Reality

I"m finally getting back into the swing of normal life. January brought some high importance/confidential/time sensitive work to my office. Unfortunately, most of it depended on product coming from my work. That meant several 50-60 hour weeks to make our deadline. Lots of stress and frustration were all a part of this process as the target seemed to shift overnight and because we were all under a time crunch, it was hard to stay on task when the end product seemed fluid.

Our team pulled it all together though and we delivered.

Ironically, the sermon series at church was focused on how to manage an "out of control" life. These were more like constant practices to keep yourself from being overcommitted, but some of it was very applicable.

Another theme that Richard has been talking about at Bethany is endurance. We don't get endurance by doing the same thing at the same intensity all the time. Instead, it is a matter of balancing rest and action. Too much work and you burn out, too little, and you lose what fitness you have. I think that the Bible shows this too. God shows the Israelites how to they must take rest (sabbath). But they are also tested. Slavery, the wilderness, battles, etc. These are tests of endurance.

In the same way, being insanely busy is good, as it builds endurance. (It is also hard to stay caught up on everything, like blogging)

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