Sunday, January 9, 2011

Gen 25-33

Issac and his sons, Jacob and Esau.

Jacob steals the birthright and blessings of the firstborn; meant for Esau, with the help of his mother. Jacob then goes to live with is relatives to find a wife. On his way to the house of Laben, he has a dream and sees a ladder into heaven. And God tells Jacob he will bless him. Jacob is afraid, but he builds an alter there and anoints it.

When he arrives to the house of Laben, he is told to work 7 years so that he can marry Laben's younger daughter, Rachel. But, Laben then gives him his older daughter, Leah to marry. So Jacob has to work another 7 years to earn Rachel.

Jacob is also put in charge of the herds of sheep and goats. But Jacob makes sure that his flock ends up being the strong flock, and Laben's flock is the weak one. Jacob is afraid that Laben will take back what he has given, so he flees with his family and possessions, but Laben gives chase.

Laben catches up, and they make an agreement to be peaceable with each other and Jacob and his family continue towards the land of Issac.

Then they approach Esau's land, and they hear that Esau is coming to meet them with 400 men. And again, Jacob is afraid. So he divides up his company, and sends in front of them several large gifts of livestock for Esau.

In the night, Jacob wrestles with "a man". Jacob will not let go until he is blessed. So the man tells Jacob that God he will bless Jacob. But, he also injures Jacob's hip.

Finally Esau arrives, but is not coming to attack Jacob, and they reconcile.

Jacob works very hard to get himself blessings, and then is reluctant and even fearful of losing them. Even when God directly reveals to him that he will be blessed, Jacob still clings to what he has. And yet, God has chosen him to be the father of great nations.

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