Saturday, January 15, 2011

Gen 34-50

Jacob and Joseph.

Jacob's daughter is raped by a Hivite man and Jacob's sons hear about it, so they go, decieve the Hivites into getting circumcised, then slaughter all the men in the village. Jacob rebukes them for this but they are defiant.

God appears to Jacob and tells him to go to Bethel. Jacob then tells his house to destroy all there foreign gods and go with him. Interesting that prior to the move, Jacob allowed the people of his household to have the gods, but the movement prompted him to cleanse his house.

While they move, the neighboring people are afraid of Jacob because of what they have heard about the slaughtering.

Jacob's favorite son's were Joseph and Benjamin, who were Rachel's sons. He was particularly fond of Joseph. This made his other brothers jealous. When he was 17, Joseph had several dreams pointing to his time in Egypt which made his brothers even more resentful. So they plotted to kill Joseph, but in the end they sold him to slave traders and then told Jacob that they had found Joseph's coat and it was covered in blood.

Joseph was sold to an Egyptian, he was put in charge, but then was falsely accused of rape and was thrown in prison. But he again was put in a favorable position within the prison. Joseph interprets dreams for some of the servants of Pharaoh, so when Pharaoh has dreams he needs interpreting, Joseph is brought because no one else can tell Pharaoh their meaning. Joseph does the job, and Pharaoh is so impressed, that he puts Joseph in charge of the grain storage for the upcoming years of famine.

Jacob and his sons are also affected by the famine. So Jacob sends all his sons except Benjamin to Egypt to buy grain. In the end, Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and their whole family moves to Egypt and are blessed greatly because of Joseph.

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